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This Forward Regulatory Plan provides information on regulatory initiatives that Farm Products Council of Canada aims to propose or finalize in the next 2 years through:

  • pre-publication in the Canada Gazette, Part I
  • final publication in the Canada Gazette, Part II

The Forward Regulatory Plan may also include regulatory initiatives that are planned to come forward over a longer time frame. Comments or enquiries can be made using the contact information included with each regulatory initiative.

Farm Products Agencies Act

Working title of the regulatory initiative Chicken Farmers of Canada Proclamation
Enabling Act Farm Products Agencies Act
Description The Standing Joint Committee for the Scrutiny of Regulations conducted a review of the Chicken Farmers of Canada’s Proclamation and recommended a number of amendments. Amendments to the Proclamation are underway.
Potential impacts on Canadians, including businesses There are no expected business impacts.
Regulatory cooperation efforts (domestic, international) Not Applicable
Consultation Consultations on the proposed amendments were conducted with the Board of Chicken Farmers of Canada. The next consultation opportunity will be the pre-publication in the Canada Gazette Part I in the 2022-2023 planning period.
Further Information See FAQ Regulations
Farm Products Council
of Canada contact information
Carole Gendron, Director,
Farm Products Council of Canada
Regulatory and Sectoral Affairs
The date the regulatory initiative was first
included in the Forward Regulatory Plan
Chicken Farmers of Canada Proclamation - March 2013

Agricultural Products Marketing Act - Modernization of the Regulatory Framework under the Agricultural Products Marketing Act (APMA)

Working title of the
regulatory initiative
Alberta Chicken Order
Alberta Egg Order
Alberta Hog Order
Alberta Milk Order
Alberta Potato Order
Alberta Turkey Order
British Columbia Chicken Order
British Columbia Egg Order
British Columbia Hog Order
British Columbia Milk Order
British Columbia Cranberry Order
British Columbia Turkey Order
Manitoba Chicken Order
Manitoba Egg Order
Manitoba Hog Order
Manitoba Milk Order
Manitoba Pullet Order
Manitoba Turkey Order
Manitoba Vegetable Order
New Brunswick Blueberry Order
New Brunswick Egg Order
New Brunswick Hog Order
New Brunswick Milk Order
New Brunswick Potato Order
New Brunswick Primary Forest Products Order
New Brunswick Turkey Order
Nova Scotia Chicken Order
Nova Scotia Egg Order
Nova Scotia Hog Order
Nova Scotia Milk Order
Nova Scotia Turkey Order
Nova Scotia Wheat Order
Ontario Asparagus Growers' Marketing-for-Processing Order
Ontario Bean Order
Ontario Chicken Order
Ontario Cream
Ontario Egg Order
Ontario Flue-Cured Tobacco Order
Ontario Fresh Grape Order
Ontario Fresh Potato Order
Ontario Grain Order
Ontario Grapes-for-Processing Order
Ontario Greenhouse Vegetable Order
Ontario Hog
Ontario Milk Order
Ontario Pork Producers' Marketing Order
Ontario Tender Fruit Order
Ontario Turkey Order
Ontario Vegetable Growers' Marketing-for-Processing Order
Prince Edward Island Chicken Order
Prince Edward Island Cattle Order
Prince Edward Island Egg Order
Prince Edward Island Hog Order
Prince Edward Island Milk Order
Prince Edward Island Potato Order
Quebec Apple Growers' Marketing Order
Quebec Beef Cattle Order
Quebec Flue-Cured Tobacco Order
Quebec Hog Marketing Order
Quebec Maple Sap and Maple Syrup Order
Quebec Milk Order
Quebec Sheep and Wool Order
Quebec Turkey Order
Quebec Wood Order, 1983
Quebec Vegetables for Processing Order
Saskatchewan Alfalfa Seed Order
Saskatchewan Broiler Chicken Order
Saskatchewan Canaryseed Order
Saskatchewan Canola Order
Saskatchewan Egg Order
Saskatchewan Flax Order
Saskatchewan Forage Seed Order
Saskatchewan Hog Order
Saskatchewan Milk Order
Saskatchewan Mustard Order
Saskatchewan Pulse Crop Order
Saskatchewan Turkey Order
Saskatchewan Winter Cereals Order
Enabling Act Agricultural Products Marketing Act

As a result of a review of the regulatory framework under the APMA, conducted by the Farm Products Council of Canada (FPCC) and Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC), and recommendations from the Standing Joint Committee for the Scrutiny of Regulations, improvements have been identified to be made to the APMA.

As part of it, FPCC and AAFC continue to work on proposing legislative changes to the Act and updating individual Orders. The focus is on removing the “by order†provision to allow provincial boards to enact and amend their levies and subsidiary orders at the provincial level, inserting the provincial supervisory board authority, and necessary drafting updates.

Potential impacts on Canadians, including businesses There are no expected business impacts.
Regulatory cooperation efforts (domestic and international) Federal Delegation Orders facilitate interprovincial and export trade by authorizing provincial commodity boards to regulate the marketing of agricultural commodities to the same extent that they regulate marketing in intraprovincial trade, creating a comprehensive marketing scheme.
Consultation Consultations are conducted with provincial commodity boards and provincial supervisory boards on an ongoing basis via email and meetings.
Further Information See FAQ Regulations
Farm Products Council
of Canada contact information
Carole Gendron, Director,
Farm Products Council of Canada
Regulatory and Sectoral Affairs
The date the regulatory
initiative was first included in the Forward Regulatory Plan
These regulatory instruments have been included since the Forward Regulatory Plan was established in March 2013.

Agricultural Products Marketing Act- Repealing Federal Delegation Orders

Working title of the
regulatory initiative
British Columbia Mushroom Order
British Columbia Tree Fruit Order
Prince Edward Island Vegetable Order
Prince Edward Island Pedigreed Seed Order
Prince Edward Island Tobacco Order
Ontario Apple Order
Ontario Berry-for-Processing Order
Ontario Cheese Order (Repeal)
Ontario Onion Growers’ Marketing Order
Ontario Onion Order
Ontario Soya-Bean Order
Ontario Wheat Order
Quebec-South Maple Products Order
Enabling Act Agricultural Products Marketing Act
These orders are no longer required and are being repealed as they are either obsolete or spent.
Potential impacts on
Canadians, including
There are no expected business impacts
Regulatory cooperation
efforts (domestic,
Not applicable
Consultation Consultations conducted with provincial commodity boards and provincial supervisory boards
on an ongoing basis via email and meetings.
Further Information See FAQ Regulations
Farm Products Council
of Canada contact
Carole Gendron, Director,
Farm Products Council of Canada
Regulatory and Sectoral Affairs
The date the regulatory
initiative was first
included in the Forward
Regulatory Plan
These regulatory instruments have been included since the Forward Regulatory Plan was
established in March 2013.

New Initiative

Working title of the
regulatory initiative
Canadian Industrial Hemp Promotion-Research Agency Proclamatio
Enabling Act Farm Products Agencies Act
Creation of an Industrial Hemp Promotion and Research Agency to support activities that would enable increased production and allow for growth of domestic and international markets for industrial hemp, an emerging crop with high development potential across Canada.
Potential impacts on
Canadians, including
Increase in production and incomes for hemp farmers, growth of markets for processing industry, credible information and new products for Canadian consumers.
Regulatory cooperation
efforts (domestic,
AAFC and Health Canada
Consultation Hemp producers, processors, importers and marketers across Canada; public through written submissions and public hearing.
Further Information See FAQ Regulations
Farm Products Council
of Canada contact
Carole Gendron, Director,
Farm Products Council of Canada
Regulatory and Sectoral Affairs
The date the regulatory
initiative was first
included in the Forward
Regulatory Plan

For more information

All of the Government of Canada’s acts and regulations can be found on the Justice Laws website.

Consult the following for links to the Cabinet Directive on Regulation and supporting policies and guidance, and for information on government-wide regulatory initiatives implemented by departments and agencies across the Government of Canada:

To learn about upcoming or ongoing consultations on proposed federal regulations, visit: